
Why we all need to practice

emotional first aid?

Guy Winch.

1 Answer the questions:

1. What does ‘first aid’ mean?
2. What are the life situations where you could use some first aid skills?
3. Did you learn any first aid at school or at college?
4. Is first aid training necessary for everyone?
5. Should people take first aid courses in the workplace?
6. Do you know where a first aid kit is kept in your workplace? What should be in a first aid kit?
7. Have you ever given first aid? Are you ready to do it?
8. If you’re alone at the scene of an accident, what is more important – calling 911 or helping the person?
9. How do you understand the term ‘emotional first aid’?
10. Are you good at giving emotional first aid?
11. Are you aware how your mind reacts to loneliness/failure/?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to spot favouritism - подмечать фаворитизм (выделение любимчиков)
2. to be an expert at doing sth - быть экспертом в чём-то
3. to maintain our physical health - поддерживать физическое здоровье
4. to practice dental hygiene [ˈhaɪdʒiːn] - соблюдать гигиену полости рта
5. to sustain psychological injuries - получить психологические травмы
6. to splurge - informal - транжирить, тратить много денег на что-то
7. to stumble out of bed - вылезти из кровати
8. to distort our perception - искажать наше восприятие
9. to scramble our thinking - спутывать
10. be in the grip of sth - idiom - быть в тисках/в плену/во власти
11. solely - исключительно
12. to suppress the functioning of the immune system - подавлять работу иммунной системы
13. to make you vulnerable to illnesses - делать тебя уязвимым для болезней
14. longevity [lɒnˈdʒevəti] - долголетие
15. to pose a risk for sth - представлять опасность для чего-либо
16. to prioritize our psychological health - уделять приоритетное внимание нашему психологическому здоровью
17. to squeal with delight - визжать от восторга
18. to get tricked - попасться на уловки/быть обманутым
19. to encounter setbacks - столкнуться с неудачами
20. to be on drugs - принять наркотики
21. not to have a police record - не иметь уголовного прошлого
22. to be into sb - быть увлечённым кем-то
23. shortcomings - недостатки
24. to revive your self-esteem - возродить/поднять самооценку
25. to ruminate - размышлять/раздумывать
26. to build emotional resilience - развивать эмоциональную устойчивость
3 Answer these questions:

1. What is favouritism?
2. What examples of favouritism does the speaker give us?
3. Do you agree that ‘we value the body much more than we do the mind’?
4. What do you know about emotional hygiene?
5. What psychological injuries can people sustain? Which is the most dangerous? (failure/rejection/loneliness)
6. Why is it difficult to treat a psychological wound?
7. Why is ruminating about upsetting events unhealthy?
8. How is it possible to build emotional resilience?
9. Do you agree that we should close the gap between our physical and psychological health?