
3 Answer the questions:

1. Why does the speaker dislike being in a hospital?
2. Why is access to hospital care becoming more and more an issue in rural areas?
3. Why do the poor and the elderly have trouble getting care?
4. Why do many Americans avoid medical care?
5. Why does the speaker consider the health care to be broken and obsolete?
6. What medical innovations have people seen over the last years?
7. What medical cases should be treated at hospitals, at mobile care centres and at home? Why?
8. Do you agree that ‘there's no need anymore to drive hours and hours just to get your treatment and tests’ and ‘health care should be delivered at home’? Why/Why not?

4 Discuss these proverbs. What do they mean?

1. Health is not valued till sickness comes.
2. You are what you eat.
3. Prevention is better than cure.
4. The beginning of health is to know the disease.
5. Take care of your body. It’s your only place to live.
1 Answer the questions:

1. What is the meaning of health care?
2. Is the health care system in Russia advanced? Does it offer high-quality services?
3. What are the advantages of the health care system in your country over the others?
4. What would you change about the health system in your country?
5. How do you see the future of health care?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. crappy food (offensive) - дрянная еда
2. sparsely populated countries - малонаселенные страны
3. to be abundant - быть в изобилии
4. the fear of the unknown - страх перед неизвестностью
5. to travel long distances - далеко ездить
6. to have trouble doing sth - сталкиваться с проблемой сделать что-то
7. to lack affordable transportation - не хватать доступного транспорта
8. altogether - совсем; вообще
9. to get proper treatment - получить надлежащее лечение
10. due to cost - из-за стоимости
11. to be in health care - работать в области здравоохранения
12. obsolete hospital system - устаревшая система госпитализации
13. to be burnt out - перегорают на работе/=быть вымотанными
14. In my home country - в моей родной стране
15. to be short of sb/sth - не хватать
16. over the coming years - на ближайшие годы/в ближайшие годы
17. to get their diagnosis - узнавать диагнозы
18. to suffer from chronic diseases - страдать от хронических заболеваний
19. to reduce to agile care centres - превратиться =уменьшиться до гибких центров оказания помощи
20. focused on acute care - сфокусированный на неотложной помощи
21. for the foreseeable future - в обозримом будущем
22. to be diagnosed with sth - у кого-то диагностировали +заболевание
23. to draw one’s blood - взять кровь на анализ
24. to become life-threatening -становиться угрозой для жизни
25. health care expense - расходы на здравоохранение
26. There's no incentive for sb to do sth - Нет стимула для кого-то делать что-то
27. from my own experience - из моего личного опыта
28. in the comfort of your own home - в домашних условиях
29. sharing economy - экономика совместного потребления
30. Home health care - уход за здоровьем на дому

Why the hospital of the future will
be your own home.
Niels van Namen.