
3 Answer these questions:

1. What ‘brilliant idea’ did Jia’s first grade teacher have?
2. What did Jia feel after that public roast?
3. What two versions of him did Jia have when he moved to the US? What constant battle was there between the 14-year-old and the six-year-old?
4. How did Jia put the six-year-old back in his place?
5. What is the game “Rejected Therapy” about?
6. What rejection ideas did Jia come up with? What results did he get?
7. What are the ways to maximize your chance to get a yes?

4 Paraphrase this idea.

‘Because in my research I found that people who really change the world, who change the way we live and the way we think, are the people who were met with initial and often violent rejections. People like Martin Luther King, Jr., like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, or even Jesus Christ. These people did not let rejection define them. They let their own reaction after rejection define themselves. And they embraced rejection’
1 Answer the questions:

1. How often do you get rejected?
2. Is it challenging for you to hear “no” instead of “yes”? Do you try to turn a “no” into a “yes”?
3. Do you ask people why they said no? Are these replies important to you?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to learn the virtue of sth/doing sth - узнать преимущество чего-то
2. to compliment each other - делать комплименты друг другу
3. to stack sth - складывать в стопку/в кучу
4. to give out the heartiest cheer - сердечно и радостно приветствовать
5. to freak out - заволноваться/испугаться/взбеситься
6. a public roast for sb - юмористическое хэйт-шоу «прожарка»
7. There was nothing funny about sth - в этом не было ничего смешного
8. to get rejected in public - быть публично отвергнутым
9. to embrace the idea of sth/doing sth - принять идею
10. to conquer the world - завоевать мир
11. entrepreneur [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː] - предприниматель
12. to be stagnant - быть инертным/не развиваться
13. to make a proposal - предлагать что-то
14. to speak up in front of people - выступать перед людьми
15. Sth persisted - Что-то сохранялось
16. I was turned down - Я получил отказ.
17. to quit - бросать
18. to put sb back in sb’s place - поставить кого-то на место
19. to overcome the fear of rejection - преодолеть страх отказов
20. to come up with ideas - придумать идеи
21. to approach sb - подойти к кому-то
22. to be menacing [ˈmenɪsɪŋ] - быть угрожающим
23. to stay engaged - продолжить взаимодействовать
24. This is where my life was turned upside down. - Вот тогда моя жизнь изменилась на 360 градусов /«перевернулась вверх дном».
25. And this is where it clicked for me. - Вот тогда меня осенило.
26. notoriety [ˌnəʊtərˈaɪəti] - известность=дурная слава (opp. fame=известность)
27. to offer a referral - предложить клиента
28. to maximize my chance to get a yes - увеличить шанс получить да
29. to gain sb’s trust - заслужить доверие
30. It is my boogeyman. = Это моя страшилка (мой Бабайка)

What I learned from 100 days of rejection.
Jia Jian.