
Weird, or just different?
Derek Sivers

1 Answer the questions:

1. What’s the difference between ‘weird’ and ‘different’? Give some examples.
2. What weird things do Russian people do?
3. What weird things/traditions do you know about other countries/nationalities?
4. How should people react to weird things they face?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. weird [wɪəd] - очень странный, непонятный
2. block - квартал
3. unnamed - неназванный, без названия
4. district - район, округ
5. walking around the neighborhood - гуляя по окрестностям
6. the house numbers don’t go in order - номера домов не по порядку
7. It’s obvious - это очевидно
8. to realize assumptions - осознать предположения
9. to make assumptions about sth - делать предположения о чём-то
10. to fail at one’s job - потерпеть неудачу в своей работе
11. to get rich - разбогатеть
12. downbeat - даунбит, стиль в электронной музыке (медленный темп/ломанный ритм)
13. accurate [ˈækjərət] - точный
3 Answer the questions:

1. What’s the main idea of the video?
2. Do you agree with it?

4 Comment on the statements:

1. ‘We need to go to the opposite site of the world to realize assumptions we didn’t even know we had’
2. ‘Chinese doctors get rich when you’re healthy, not sick’
3. ‘Whatever brilliant ideas you have or hear, the opposite may also be true’

5 Do you agree with these citations?

1. “Always assume your assumptions about others are wrong. Because often, they are.” — Savania China
2. “Leaders don’t assume. Assumptions are the termites of leadership.”― Farshad Asl.
3. “Be careful of what you assume. What you assume often becomes what you consume.” — Constance Friday.
4. “Assuming less does not make you naïve, it makes you a better listener.”― Terry A O’Neal.
5. “It’s sad that we never get trained to leave assumptions behind.” — Sebastian Thrun.