
Want to truly succeed?
Lift others up while you climb.

1 Answer the questions:

1. What is the career ladder?
2. Why is it important to climb the career ladder?
3. What does success mean to you?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. inclusive - [ɪnˈkluːsɪv] - инклюзивный
2. It’s no secret that …. - Не секрет, что …
3. leadership team - команда руководителей
4. to steer a car/a ship…- управлять машиной/кораблём
5. at the helm (of sth) - у руля/во главе/у власти
6. to set the tone - задавать тон
7. to be a new hire - быть Новым работником (US)
8. to be a powerhouse - быть «энерджайзером»
9. to advance sb - продвигать кого-то
10. to question your surroundings - спрашивать у знакомых
11. to mirror sth - отражать что-то/зеркалить
12. to keep a tally [ ˈtæli] - вести учёт
13. to speak up - высказываться
14. platitudes - банальщина
15. to pass on sth - передавать по наследству
16. to partner on a project - стать партнерами по проекту

3 Answer the questions:

1. How do you understand the phrase “It’s no secret that our companies and organizations rarely have leadership teams that represent the communities they serve”?
2. Do you agree with this idea? “Success is no longer about our individual ambitions, but about how we build something greater together”.
3. “There’s no point in being the first if we’re also the last”. Have you ever been in such a situation?
4. What is the difference between mentorship and sponsorship?

4 Explain three ways that can embrace the concept the speaker is talking about:

1. Question your surroundings.
2. Aim for sponsorship over mentorship.
3. Pass on the chance for glory.