
3 Answer these questions:

1. At what point does self-doubt appear according to Shadé?
2. What are the main three self-doubt mind pits that can kill our confidence? Explain them
(Failure to Launch/ Treading Water/Destination Obsession).
3. How is it possible to get rid of these destructive mind pits?
4. What should people do to raise their self-awareness?

4 Do you agree with this phrase? Why/Why not?

1. There’s no such a thing as being born with self-doubt.
2. Patterns of thinking begin to emerge that lead us to experience self-doubt.
3. Overthinking fuels self-doubt, kills confidence and then leads to self-criticism.
4. We are what we repeatedly do.
5. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.

5 Answer the questions.

1. Do you ruminate on what-ifs? Why/Why not?
2. Do you feel guilty when you take breaks?
3. What does ‘infomania’ mean? Do you suffer from this ‘desease’?
4. Do you set boundaries for yourself? What are they?
5. Do you unlearn old habits? Is it challenging? What habit are you trying to unlearn now?
1 Answer the questions:

1. What does ‘confidence’ mean?
2. Are you a confident person?
3. Is it possible to be confident in every sphere of life?
4. Should people work on their confidence? How can they do it?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. I’ll prove it to you. - Я докажу тебе это.
2. at what point - в какой именно момент/на каком этапе/в каких случаях
3. to look at sb with bewilderment - смотреть на кого-то с недоумением
4. to keep doing sth - продолжать делать что-то
5. to be showered with praise - купаться в одобрении
6. to impose high standards - навязывать высокие стандарты
7. to experience shame - испытывать стыд
8. to underperform - отставать
9. in our consciousness - в нашем подсознании
10. to morph in sth - постепенно превращаться во что-то
11. to second-guess sb - сомневаться в ком-то/ критиковать кого-то
12. in a perpetual cycle of sth - в постоянном круговороте чего-то
13. to acquire extra qualifications - приобретать дополнительные квалификации
14. to be prone to sth/to do sth - быть склонным к чему-то/делать что-то
15. rumination - размышление
16. to be treading water - топтаться на месте
17. to seek greener grass - быть в поиске лучшего
18. to derive a short burst of pleasure - получить кратковременное удовольствие
19. to feel worthy [ˈwɜːði] - чувствовать себя достойным
20. to compare upwards/downwards - сравнивать с лучшими/худшими
21. to handle setbacks - справляться с неудачами
22. to do sth in a split second - делать что-то очень быстро (за долю секунды)
23. when things get tough - когда всё усложняется
24. to set boundaries - устанавливать границы
25. to unlearn sth - переучиваться

Three habits that kill your confidence.
Shadé Zahrai.