
3 Answer these questions:

1. What are the upsides and downsides of living in a world that makes work, accomplishment, busyness valuable?
2. How can it be that 96 percent of people are not doing the one thing that they say is most critical to their success - long-term strategic thinking?
3. What does the phrase ‘Oh, I am so crazy busy” mean according to Dorie Clark?
4. What are the reasons of being busy?
5. Why does Dorie Clark want us to to succeed in beating back busyness once and for all?

4 Do you agree with these ideas?

‘Busyness is actually a form of status’

5 Are you busy now? Why are you busy?

1. because “you’re so popular/in demand/important”;
2. because of conditions of uncertainty you don’t want to deal with;
3. because of existential questions and uncomfortable matters you don’t want to deal with;
4. because you want to numb yourself out;
5. your variant?
1 Answer the questions:

1. Are you a busy person?
2. In what situations do you say “I’m busy”?
3. Is “being busy” a healthy thing?
4. Would you rather be really busy or have very little to do? Why?
5. Do you agree that ‘we live in a time-pressed culture’?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. There is never enough time. - Всегда не хватает времени.
2. busyness - занятость (‼️ business - бизнес, дело)
3. there’s real upside to that - в этом есть реальный плюс
4. there’s also a downside - в этом есть и минус.
5. to be worth talking about - об этом стОит поговорить
6. long-term strategic thinking - долгосрочное стратегическое мышление
7. There is near unanimity that [ˌjunəˈnɪmət̬i] - Почти полное единодушие
8. to attend meetings - ходить на собрания
9. That sounds pretty outrageous. - Это возмутительно.
10. That drains me - это меня истощает.
11. to go on underneath the surface - происходить внутри (прячется за видимым)
12. to work at cross-purposes - работать в перекрестных целях (не вместе; двигаясь в разных рнаправлениях)
13. to shed a light on sth - «пролить свет на что-то»
14. to be in demand - быть востребованным
15. to numb ourselves out - забыться/заглушить чувства
16. crack - informal - кокаин
17. we get trapped in the pattern of busyness - мы попадаем в ловушку занятости
18. the world at your fingertips - мир у ваших ног
19. to beat back sth - дать отпор чему-то
20. Ultimately, - в конечном счете

The Real reason we’re all so busy
 (and what to do about it).
Dorie Clark.