
3 Answer these questions:

1. What ‘blind spot’ did Ann discover on her bookshelves?
2. What did the speaker decide to do after the ‘shocking’ discovery?
3. What problems did Ann face up to?
4. What does Ann mean by saying ‘My weakness had become the project's strength’?
5. Why can reading a book be un uncomfortable experience?
6. Why can reading be also enlightening?

4 Do you agree with these ideas?

1. ‘If you want to encounter it with an open mind, the world will help you’
2. ‘Books have an extraordinary power to take you out of yourself and into someone else's mindset, so that, for a while at least, you look at the world through different eyes’
3. ‘Wrestling with unfamiliar ideas can help clarify your own thinking’
4. ’It's the story of the power books have to connect us across political, geographical, cultural, social, religious divides’
1 Answer the questions:

1. Why do people read books?
2. Do you enjoy reading?
3. What can your bookshelves say about you?
4. Can books open our eyes to many things?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to be a cosmopolitan person [ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən] = быть космополитом (having experience of many different places and things)
2. to be a cultured person - быть культурным человеком (=to have a good education and to know a lot about art, music, literature, etc.)
3. to discover the blind spot - обнаружить слепую зону
4. to work sth out - разработать/понять
5. had to face up to the fact that … - пришлось столкнуться с фактом, что …
6. the literary works - литературные произведения
7. not get a look-in - informal - не иметь шансов на успех
8. The upshot is that …. - в результате, из этого следует вывод, что
9. remain invisible to readers - оставаться вне поля зрения читателей
10. exclusively [ɪkˈskluːsɪvli] - исключительно/только
11. to be a clueless literary xenophobe ( [ˈzenəfəʊb]=a person who strongly dislikes or fears sth) - быть невежественным литературным ксенофобом
12. to post a short appeal online - опубликовать короткое сообщение онлайн
13. Time and again - снова и снова
14. to go out of their way to help sb - изо всех сил стараться помочь
15. to take on research - взяться за исследование
16. on my behalf - от моего имени
17. made a detour - делать крюк/ехать в объезд
18. to be a wordsmith - быть мастером слова
19. to get hold of sth - ухватиться/заполучить
20. to be dubious - сомневаться
21. to wrestle with sth - бороться с чем-то
22. enlightening - поучительный

My year reading a book from every
country in the world. Ann Morgan