
Let’s elevate and enhance Geography education.
Anuradha Dole.

1 Answer the questions:

1. What does geography mean? What does it study?
2. What are the branches of geography?
3. Are you good at geography?
4. What’s the best way to study geography?
5. What are the most critical components of the subject?
6. What do you remember about your geography classes at school?
7. Do you find geography an important subject? Why/Why not?
8. Should geography education be improved? In what way?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to hop on a plane - запрыгнуть в самолёт
2. within a fraction of a second - за долю секунды
3. to live in a highly globalised society - жить в высоко глобализированном обществе
4. in our interconnected world - в нашем взаимосвязанном мире
5. to take on the challenges of the 21th century - принимать вызовы 21го века
6. to envision the lives of people - воображать жизнь людей
7. to travel both within and outside of the country - путешествовать как внутри страны, так и за ее пределами
8. runner-up - участник состязания, занявший второе место
9. to hinder sb in sth - ограничить кого-то в чем-то
10. to experience a severe drought - пережить сильную засуху
11. to enhance students’ worldviews - совершенствовать мировоззрение учащихся
12. filled with rote memorization - заполненный механическим запоминанием
13. heightened - поввшенный
14. to try your hand at sth - попробовать свои силы в чем-то
3 Give the definitions of:

1. Geography
2. Human Geography
3. Physical Geography
4. Medical Geography
5. Economic Geography
6. Biogeography
7. Climatology

4. Comment on the statements:

1. Understanding of current events is hindered without sufficient knowledge of geography.
2. We need to engage students through topics that comprehensively teach geography instead of adopting a narrow approach that reduces the subject to a collections of facts.
3. Geography should be taught in an interdisciplinary manner.

5. Comment on 4 things that people can do to get involved in the fight for heightened geography education:

1. Reach out to the school administration and tell them why you think geography education is so important.
2. Try to cultivate an increased interest in geography in your home and in your community.
3. Try your hand at cooking a regional recipe.
4. Celebrate a holiday with a neighbour from a different country.