
Is it normal to talk to yourself?

1 Answer the questions:

1. Do you talk to yourself?
2. How often do you engage in self-talk?
3. Do you feel better after such self-talks?
4. Have you ever been caught talking to yourself? How did you feel?
5. Have you ever heard anyone talking to themselves? How do you react?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to blare [bleə] - греметь
2. to mutter to oneself - бормотать про себя
3. I need a haircut - нужно постричься
4. to rush out the door - выбежать из квартиры
5. to stigmatize sth as a sign of sth - навешивать клеймо «..»
6. inner speech - внутренняя речь
7. mental imagery [ˈɪmɪdʒəri] - мысленные образы
8. some facet [ˈfæsɪt] of your life - аспекты жизни
9. outward [ˈaʊtwəd] - внешний
10. to morph into sth - превращаться во что-то
11. to have real impacts on sth - иметь реальное влияние на что-то
12. to boost self-esteem - повысить самооценку
13. to tackle everyday tasks - решать повседневные задачи
14. to engage in sth - заниматься чем-то
15. to incorporate sth into practice - применять что-либо на практике
16. to regulate emotions - регулировать эмоции
17. to engage in anxiety-inducing tasks - выполнять задачи, вызывающие тревогу
18. to ruminate on sth - размышлять над чем-либо
3 Answer these questions:

1. How do psychologists define self-talk?
2. What did Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky hypothesize in the 1930th?
3. Why is self-talk important?
4. What do scientists know about self-talk for certain?
5. Why do some people stigmatize self-talk as a sign of mental instability?
6. Why do we talk to ourselves?
7. Does what we say matter?
What does CHT (cognitive behavioural treatment) mean? What is it focused on?