
How to speak so that people want to listen.
Julian Treasure.

1 Answer the questions:

1. What skills are important to make a good speech?
2. How can we increase the power of our speaking to make change in the world?
3. Is it challenging for you to make a speech? Why/Why not?
4. Do you like your voice? Describe your voice.

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to assemble seven deadly sins of speaking - собрать 7 спиртных грехов речи
2. this isn’t an exhaustive list - это неполный список/не исчерпывающий список
3. to fall into a habit - приобретать привычку
4. to speak ill of sb - плохо говорить о ком-то
5. viral misery - вирусное страдание
6. Excuses - оправдания
7. have a blamethrower - иметь «козла отпущения»=кто был бы виноват
8. to pass sth on to sb - ‘сваливать’ что-то на кого-то
9. penultimate [pəˈnʌltɪmət] - предпоследний
10. embroidery - приукрашивание (вышивка)
11. exaggeration - преувеличение
12. to demean sth - унизить что-то
13. dogmatism - догматизм (stating your opinions in a strong way and not accepting anyone else's opinions)
14. to get conflated - смешиваться
15. cornerstones - краеугольные камни
16. hail - град
17. authenticity [ˌɔːθenˈtɪsəti] - подлинность, достоверность
18. have a little rummage [ˈrʌmɪdʒ] in sth - порыться в чем-то
19. register - регистр( степень высоты голоса)
20. timbre [ˈtæmbə] - тембр (индивидуальная звуковая окраска голоса)
21. prosody [ˈprɒsədi] - просодия (учение об ударных слогах)
22. pace - темп (скорость речи)
23. pitch - высота голоса
24. to startle sb - напугать кого-то
25. to do sth in advance - делать заранее
3 Answer these questions:

1. What seven deadly sins of speaking did Julian assemble in his presentation?
2. What are the four really powerful cornerstones, foundations, that we can stand on if we want our speech to be powerful and to make change in the world?
3. Why is it important to warm up your voice before making a speech?

4 Which of these ‘deadly sins’ is the national art of your country?

1. gossip
2. judging
3. negativity
4. complaining
5. excuses
6. embroidery/exaggeration
7. dogmatism

5 How do you understand the term ‘HAIL’?

H - honesty
A - authenticity
I - integrity
L - love

6 Explain the main ‘tools’ that Julian talks about and give some examples of using them.

1. Register.
Why do we vote for politicians with lower voices?
2. Timbre.
What timbre of the voice do people prefer?
3. Prosody.
What is the antonym of prosody in a speech?
4. Pace.
What can the speaker’s pace demonstrate? Who wins? Fast or slow speakers?
5. Pitch.
Comment on this idea ‘You can hear a smile on the telephone’.
6. Volume.
Why do people hate sodcasting (the practice of playing music through the speakers of a mobile phone in a public space)?

7 Analyze these combinations:

1. Speaking powerfully + consciously listening people + the environment which is actually fit for the purpose.
2. Creating sound consciously + consuming sound consciously + designing all our environments consciously for sound.