
How to go to space without going to space.
Angelo Vermeulen.

1 Answer the questions:

1. Is it necessary to be multidisciplinary nowadays? What does it mean?
2. Is it challenging to combine science and art? Do you know any examples?
3. Do you use ‘a co-creation approach’ in your work?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to be multidisciplinary - быть многопрофильным
2. NASA [ˈnæsə] - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (НАСА)
3. to study the effects of long-term isolation of small crews - изучать последствия длительной изоляции небольших команд/экипажей
4. to do research - проводить исследования
5. apart from sth - кроме чего-то
6. to wear mock-up space suits - носить макеты скафандров
7. it's quite challenging to do sth - довольно сложно что-то делать
8. the warping of time - деформация времени
9. to cope with a situation - справляться с ситуацией
10. to venture - рисковать
11. to re-envision sth - переосмыслить что-то
12. That's the core of the project. - Это суть проекта.
13. dystopian - мрачный, антиутопический
14. to take a step away from earthbound constraints - отойти от земных ограничений
15. to use a cocreation approach - использовать совместный подход
16. evolving - развивающийся
17. sustainability - устойчивость
18. indigenous - местный, коренной
19. to integrate that into our deep future - применить это в далеком будущем
20. astronaut - космонавт

3 Answer the questions:

1. What did Angelo mean by calling himself multidisciplinary?
2. What was the purpose of the HI-SEAS programme?
3. What did the crew do?
4. What challenges did the crew deal with?
5. What did Angelo learn being the crew commander?
6. What is the core of Angelo’s art project called ´Seeker’?
7. What is ‘the cocreation approach’ used by Angelo about?
8. How do they realise their combination of ecology, technology and people?

4 Discuss these psychological challenges that Angelo had:

1. to live with just a small group of people in a small space for a long time
2. how to keep a team together in these circumstances
3. how to deal with the warping of time you start to sense when you're living in these circumstances
4. sleep problems that arise.

5 Would you like to take part in this experience - to be part of a crew that explores biology, technology and people and creates artwork using this cocreation approach? Why/Why not?