
3 Give the definitions of:

1. photography
2. flashbulb memories
3. human-wildlife conflicts
4. telling a broad story in a focused way
5. telling a story with a sweeping picture

4 Answer these questions:

1. What story did David tell the audience about his son?
2. What section was added to their site? And why did ‘Your Shot’ become a wild success?
3. What stories and pictures showed human-wildlife conflicts in Africa?
4. Why was it important for Jonas, a very energetic photographer, to stay tightly focused in one place in India? Did he do a surface look at the conditions that exist in the slums?
5. How could Randy and Brian tell a story about the food chain with a sweeping picture? What risks did they take?
6. How can photography compel us to confront issues that are potentially distressing and controversial? What’s the story of regaining the US soldiers’ pre-war lives?

5 Do you agree with this phrase? Why/Why not?

“I believe that photography can make a real connection to people, and can be employed as a positive agent for understanding the challenges and opportunities facing our world today”
1 Answer the questions:

1. How can you describe photography as an art?
2. Why is photography such a popular hobby nowadays?
3. Do photos look at the problems or look for solutions? Explain your point of view.

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. I shudder to think what they're going to do - мне страшно подумать, что они сделают.
2. to remind sb of sth - напоминать кому-то о чем-либо
3. to move back and forth - двигаться вперёд и назад
4. sth taken/photographed/shot/captured by sb - что-то, сфотографированное кем-то
5. It’s hygienic [haɪˈdʒiːnɪk] - это гигиенично
6. to hold sth up - поддерживать что-то (a power)
7. relentless [rɪˈlentləs] - безжалостный
8. to turn away - отвернуться
9. to be rattled - быть напуганным
10. flashbulb memories - воспоминания-вспышки
11. to tap into sth - использовать/задействовать что-то
12. a viewer - зритель, наблюдатель
13. to yell at sb - орать на кого-то
14. to submit sth for possible publication - предлагать что-то для возможной публикации
15. poachers - браконьеры
16. slums - трущобы
17. to do a surface look at sth - поверхностно взглянуть на что-то
18. to team up with sb - объединиться с кем-то
19. fisheries - рыболовство
20. telling a story with a sweeping picture - донести историю широким взглядом
21. But there are also glimmers of hope - но ещё теплится луч надежды
22. to compel sb to do sth - заставить кого-то сделать что-то
23. to confront sth - противостоять чему-то
24. to recuperate /rɪˈkuːpəreɪt/from/after sth - выздоравливать
25. to take pity on sb - сжалиться над кем-то

How photography connects us.
David Griffin.