
How behavioral science
can lower your energy bill.
Alex Laskey.

1 Answer the questions:

1. How many times a day do you check your email, messengers, credit card or investment account?
2. How often do you check your household energy use?
3. Does these habits influence your energy bill? In what way?
4. How is electricity in homes usually wasted?
5. Who saves more energy- homeowners or renters? Why?
6. What is behavioral science?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. а geek - ботаник
2. an energy geek - человек, помешанный на вопросе сохранения энергии
3. to drive climate change - способствовать изменению климата
4. coal - уголь
5. the most common source of electricity - самый распространенный источник электричества
6. to light this bulb - зажечь эту лампочку
7. leakage - утечка
8. to run an experiment - проводить эксперимент
9. Graduate students - выпускники/аспиранты
10. to prevent blackouts - предотвратить сбой в подаче электроэнергии
11. to have zero impact on energy consumption - иметь нулевое влияние на энергопотребление
12. to show a marked decrease in energy consumption - продемонстрировать существенное снижение потребления электроэнергии
13. moral suasion [ˈsweɪʒən] - моральное убеждение
14. financial incentive [ɪnˈsentɪv] - финансовый/материальный стимул
15. And harnessed correctly - при правильном подходе
16. to build software - создать программное обеспечение
17. to partner with utility companies - сотрудничать с коммунальными службами
18. to be more than enough energy to power every home - электроэнергии более чем достаточно для питания каждого дома
19. wheelbarrow - тачка
20. to contribute to our well-being - способствовать нашему благополучию
21. energy-efficient light bulbs - энергосберегающие лампочки
22. sustainable resource - возобновляемый ресурс
23. behavioral science - наука о поведении - бихевиористика
24. She was tickled to learn that - ей было приятно узнать, что ..
25. a genuine expert [ˈdʒenjuɪn] - настоящий эксперт
3 Answer these questions:

1. What is the most common source of electricity on the planet?
2. What example does Alex give to prove the fact that ‘for every unit of energy we use, we waste nine’?
3. How do you understand the idea ‘for every unit of energy we save, we save the other nine’?
4. What behavioral science experiment was run in California to draw people’s attention to the energy they’re using?
5. What kind of messages did the people get?
6. What results did the scientists get after 4 messages?
7. What company did Alex and his friend start? What is the company focused on? What results do they have?

4 What do you think about Alex’s conclusions?

1. ‘Well, if something is inconvenient, even if we believe in it, moral suasion, financial incentives, don't do much to move us -- but social pressure, that's powerful stuff. And harnessed correctly, it can be a powerful force for good. In fact, it already is’
2. ‘Utilities are still rewarded when their customers waste energy. They ought to be rewarded for helping their customers save it’
3. ‘There are many experts who can help answer Harriet's question. My goal is to make sure we are all asking it’