
Do you really need 8 hours of sleep every night?

1 Answer the questions:

1. Do you get to bed on time?
2. Do you stay there for the recommended seven to eight hours?
3. Do you feel fatigued in the morning or do you usually wake up in the morning well rested?
4. Do you generally sleep through the night without disturbances? Or, if I wake, do you fall back asleep easily?
5. Do you have frequent nightmares?
6. What happens if you don't get enough sleep?
7. How is it possible to make your sleep perfect?
8. How often do you feel sleepy in the day time while working?
9. Do you think that sleeping for 8 hours is a waste of time?
10. Is it healthy to take naps during the day? Why/why not?

2 Watch the video, ask some questions using the given words.
1. The duration of a good night's sleep can be different for different people. Some adults need eight, but some are just fine on six. (How long? How many?)
2. The second flaw with this kind of doomsday messaging is that it can be counterproductive, especially for people who do have trouble sleeping. (What? Who…for?)
3. People should stop fixating on the number because that can lead to unrealistic expectations of sleep. (What? Why?)

3 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to be desperate for help - отчаянно нуждаться в помощи
2. to be taken on an urgency - быть принятым в срочном порядке/стать актуальным
3. Even worse, + идея- Даже хуже/еще хуже…
4. to be doomed to sth - быть обреченным на что-то
5. a flaw with/in sth - ошибка, недостаток
6. to be an average - быть средним показателем
7. to be counterproductive - приводить к обратным результатам
8. to become obsessed with sth - стать одержимым
9. Stop fixating on sth - Прекращайте зацикливаться на чем-то
10. to make sure - убедиться
11. orthosomnia - ортосомния (a preoccupation with the constant need to achieve perfect sleep)

4 True or false (according to the video):

1. We can find a slew of articles about how to make your sleep perfect on the Internet.
2. Dr. Jen Gulter is sure that when we can't sleep, we're desperate for help.
3. According to Dr.Jen Gulter, it is completely accurate that we're not getting enough.
4. The duration of a good night's sleep can be different for different people.
5. According to the doctor, sleep data can make people feel less nervous.
6. There’s a highly effective therapy called cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia.

5 Watch the video again and give us three main ideas that seem interesting to you.