
3 Answer these questions:

1. Who is considered to be the world's first computer programmer?
2. What did he write about a machine?
3. How is it possible to yield countless original melodies never heard before with the help of AI?
4. What model can be called ‘a natural process’ that allows creativity to form and to lead to original, valuable, and even beautiful outcomes?
5. What does ‘a fitness function’ mean? How does it work?
6. Is the presence of human aesthetic in the process important? Why/why not?

4 Do you agree with these ideas?

1. ‘A machine can not have human-like intelligence as long as it only does what humans intentionally programmed it to do’
2. ‘But if a piece of art can make you weep, or blow your mind, or send shivers down your spine, does it really matter who or what created it?’
1 Answer the questions:

1. What do you know about AI (artificial intelligence)?
2. Are you interested in AI?
3. What does ‘human creativity’ mean?
4. Can robots be creative?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. Believe it or not - хочешь верь, хочешь нет
2. to grapple with the question - пытаться разобраться с вопросом
3. to scrutinize the idea - тщательно исследовать эту идею/изучить её
4. to produce an outcome - достичь результата
5. At first glance - с первого взгляда
6. to come up with an extremely complex algorithm - придумать очень сложный алгоритм
7. using random number generators - с помощью генераторов случайных чисел
8. fuzzy logic - нечеткая логика
9. to yield original melodies - производить оригинальные мелодии
10. to take a step back - сделать шаг назад
11. to mimic biological evolution - имитировать естественную эволюцию
12. make you weep - заставлять плакать
13. blow your mind - взрывает мозг/поражает
14. to send shivers down your spine - вызывать мурашки по всему телу

Can robots be creative?
Gil Weinberg