
Branding from birth. What’s in a Name?
Stacey Cohen

1 Remember the words and phrases:

1. a hospital maternity ward - родильное отделение
2. a delivery room - родильная палата
3. to coin the term - вводить термин
4. to become your own person - стать самим собой
5. to have sb a few feet away from you - Быть в шаговой доступности
6. to negotiate questions - обсуждать вопросы
7. identical twins - однояйцевые близнецы
8. fraternal twins - разнояйцевый близнецы
9. There’s always this ambiguity - Всегда эта неопределённость..
10. to strive to do - стараться делать, бороться
11. to develop a niche [nɪtʃ] - развивать нишу
12. to become second nature to sb - стать естественным, привычным
13. to hone sth (your brand/skills) - оттачивать
14. They range in price from…to - Цена за их услуги варьируется от …до…
15. It’s a lifelong undertaking. - Это пожизненное обязательство.
16. to showcase a budding interest in photography - демонстрирует многообещающий интерес к фото.
17. to highlight achievements - освещать достижения
18. an appealing person - привлекательный=интересный человек
19. to share positive testimonials - размещать позитивные характеристики/рекомендации
20. to refine your personal brand - совершенствовать

2 Read these words a try to guess their meanings:

1. classmate
2. roommate
3. playmate
4. flatmate
5. workmate
6. shipmate
7. helpmate
8. seatmate
9. intimate
10. crewmate
3 Answer the questions about Stacey’s life:

1. What made Stacey’s parents be surprised in a hospital maternity ward?
2. What did the twin girls share?
3. What did they learn about life as a twin?
4. How does Stacey’s saga have to do with personal branding?
5. What is personal branding about according to Stacey?
6. Why does Stacey think that personal branding is no longer a luxury, but a requirement?
7. What is a personal brand exactly?
8. What are our branding moments according to Stacey?
9. How can inappropriate content posted on social media influence your studies?
10. How do people create personal brands and when is it better to start? Explain this scheme «1. Discover. 2. Develop. 3. Deliver»

4 Answer the questions:

1. Do you agree that personal branding is about standing out, it’s about being memorable, it’s about being unique?
2. Should building personal brand become second nature to sb? What can it give people?
3. Do you agree that personal branding is no longer a luxury, but a requirement? Why/Why not?
4. How do you understand the phrases «we’re the CEO’s of me Inc» and «you’re the head marketers for the brand called «you»?
5. «Your personal brand is your passions, accomplishments, expertise and values». What is your top passion/accomplishment/expertise/value?
6. «Personal brands don’t just happen. They very carefully honed». How do you hone your personal brand?
7. Do you agree that we’re all branded at birth?
8. Do you believe that a name influences likability, academic and career success or lack of it?
9. «Personal branding is not about me, me, me. It’s your value to others». What is your value to others?

5 Watch the video again and give us three main ideas that seem interesting to you.