
All it takes is 10 mindful minutes. Andy Puddicombe.

1 Answer the questions:

1. What does ‘the mind’ mean?
2. How can we look after our mind?
3. What does a person usually do when their mind whizzes away like a washing machine going round and round?
4. What is meditation?
5. What stereotypes about meditation do you know?
6. Have you ever heard about ‘the do-nothing time’?
7. Why do people take time to do nothing?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to be frantic - быть безумным
2. to reminisce about the past - вспоминать о прошлом (с удовольствием)
3. blank faces - лица без эмоций
4. to do sth at one’s very best - делать что-то наилучшим образом
5. but you see where I'm going. - но вы понимаете, о чем я (куда я клоню)
6. to miss out on the things - пропускаем вещи
7. incense [ˈɪnsens] - благовоние
8. to be intrigued [ɪnˈtriːɡd] - быть заинтригованным
9. to go along with sb - сопровождать кого-то (без особых целей)
10. preventive - превентивный/профилактический
11. to flip sth upside down - перевернуть вверх дном
12. to be inundated with sth [ˈɪnʌndeɪtɪd] - ‘утонуть’ в чем-то
13. to bury oneself in work - закапываться в работе
14. to hit the bottle - пристраститься к алкоголю
15. to become a celibate monk [ ˈseləbət] [mʌŋk] - стать монахом, давшим обет безбрачия
16. to learn how to be in the here and now - научиться быть здесь и сейчас
17. to be mindful - deliberately aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, in order to create a feeling of calm
18. to be underrated - быть недооценённым
19. to take our foot off the gas a little bit - немного притормозить
20. to have a wobbly tooth - у кого-то шатается зуб
21. to feel a bit agitated - быть немного взволнованным
3 Answer these questions:

1. How did Andy start meditating?
2. When did he change his mind from ‘meditation as an aspirin for the mind’ to ‘preventative meditation’?
3. What did Andy learn as a celibate monk?
4. What is meditation according to Andy?
5. What is the potential of mindfulness?