
7 precepts of successful event organisation.

1 Answer the questions:

1. Have you ever organised events (school/sports events)?
2. What was your most successful event? What was the purpose of that event?
3. Who helped you do the work?
4. What is your dream event to organise? Tell us more about it (purpose, place, team, partners, steps, results).
5. Is it a challenge to become a good event-manager

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. first time event managers
2. to find sth daunting /ˈdɔːn.tɪŋ/ initially - сначала кажется устрашающим
3. to feel empowered - чувствовать себя уверенным
4. common precepts - общин принципы
5. a committed person - идейный человек (лояльный и готовый инвестировать в тебя время и энергию)
6. a trustworthy person - надежный/заслуживающий доверия
7. to go beyond - выходить за рамки
8. take sth to new heights - достигнуть нового уровня
9. to review your agreements meticulously - тщательно пересмотреть соглашения
10. to look for win-win relationships
11. to meet the purpose - достичь цели
12. to take the load off our backs - снять груз с плеч (=спины)
13. diligent - усердный, трудолюбивый
14. to put her heart and soul into sth - душу вкладывать во что-то
15. to intervene - вмешиваться

3 Explain these common precepts:

1. Find mentors
2. Find partners and sponsors.
3. Plan first, execute secondly.
4. Find team members.
5. Look for these in potential team members (traits: friendly, diligent, excellent, trustworthy, selfless)
6. Execute properly.
7. Have these skills (people skills, organisational skills, leadership skills).

4 Do you agree with these phrases?

1. A wise man learns from his mistakes, a wiser man learns from other people’s mistakes.
2. Two can go beyond where one can go.
3. There are some people who are selfish and they may end up giving less and taking more.
4. Planning and the Why/What/How strategy are important in event organisation.

5 Discuss this picture.
6 Watch the video again and give us three main ideas that seem interesting to you.